Dear Friends we're at max capacity + overbooked for the Yom Kippur Services.
Wishing you a Chatima Tova!
Alternative services can be found at
The Chelsea Shul
Chabad YP -
Celebrate the High Holidays with the JLC community at our "Pop-Up Synagogue" in the heart of Manhattan!
Our services are tailored for everyone, beginner or advanced synthesizing an authentic and uplifting High Holiday experience.
• Holiday insights and anecdotes throughout the service •
• English, Spanish and Portuguese Prayer Books •
Location: 147 West 24th Street 4th floor
To RSVP for Rosh Hashanah Dinner click here
Rosh Hashanah Schedule:
Wednesday, October 2nd
Candle Lighting: 6:17 PM
Evening Services: 6:30 PM
Thursday, October 3
Morning Services: 9:30 AM
Shofar: 11:30 AM
Evening Services: 6:30 PM
Light Candles After: 7:14 PM
Friday, October 4
Morning Services: 9:30 AM
Shofar: 11:30 AM
Light Candles After: 6:14 PM
Yom Kippur Schedule:
Friday, October 11
Candle Lightning: 6:03 PM
Fast Begins: 6:03 PM
Kol Nidrei: 6:10 PM
Light Candles After: 7:14 PM
Saturday, October 12
Morning Services: 9:30 AM
Yizkor Services: 11:30 AM
Mincha and Neilah: 4:30 PM
Fast Ends and Light Buffert: 7:00 PM